Great news on Access

Restoration of access at the Pemberton quarry!

After almost two years of hard work, we finally have an agreement in place with NES&L regarding the quarry access. It is retroactively effective to November 22nd. The property covered under the lease held by PFBC, includes the river bank and parking areas formerly used by the public. It also covers the Limestone Road access on Rt 453. In order to achieve this for our members and the fishing and boating public, LJRA is paying the 1st years lease of $5,000.  NES&L maintains that they need liability insurance to cover use by the public and that it will cost them $5,000. We are not prepared to pay this for future years. LJRA will spend the next 12 months seeking a long term solution which may include the use of grants, PFBC funds and/or donations. We are asking people to be patient since it will take a little time to get the postings down and new signs up denoting the locations of restored access. The ability to renew the lease is dependent on good angler behavior. 


Upcoming events

No meeting Dec/Jan

No regular meeting for the months of December and January. The next event will be the annual winter banquet. An invitation will be sent to members via email.

November meeting

November Meeting

The next meeting of the LJRA is Thursday November 14th at 7PM. We will be meeting at the Edgewater Inn in Alexandria. Topics include the lease agreement with NESL and plans for habitat improvement near Tipton. We hope to see you there. 

October Meeting

October Meeting

The next meeting of the LJRA is Thursday October 10th at 7PM. We will be meeting at the Edgewater Inn in Alexandria. We will have a guest speaker.   Mark Brinkner, Water Specialist with PADEP in Harrisburg,  will explain how the Pa. Department of Environmental Protection determines the level of protection from pollution (Designated Use) for our streams. Other topics include:  news on access at the quarry, update on the fish kill/sewer pipe break and plans for habitat improvement near Tipton. We hope to see you there. 

August Meeting

August Meeting

The August meeting of the LJRA is August 8th. We will meet at the Edgewater Inn at 7PM. Topics include increasing access, the Tipton habitat improvement project  and updates on the fish kill on the upper J. Hope to see you there.

July Meeting

July Meeting

The July meeting of the LJRA is July 11th. We will meet at the Edgewater Inn at 7PM. Topics include updates on access, water quality monitoring and projects to improve habitat in the upper J. Hope to see you there.

PFBC surVey

PFBC survey

The PFBC is looking for angler/boater input to incorporate into their new strategic plan. Here is a chance to voice your support for conservation and promote wild trout initiatives. The PFBC has been a good partner with the LJRA. Many of the improvements on the river such as stream bank repair, wild trout surveys, ceasing stocking over wild fish in the J and upgraded designations were made possible due the efforts of PFBC. They should be encouraged to continue these activities here and across the state (you have the chance to write what they do right).

direct link to survey

LJRA clean up

Little Juniata River Association 14th Annual River Bank Clean-up

The Little Juniata River Association will hold its 14thAnnual River Bank Clean-up on Saturday, April 6th.  LJRA members and volunteers will meet at the Spruce Creek United Methodist Church parking lot at 8:30 am where ladies from the church will serve drinks and treats from Tastykake.  Each year, the LJRA leads more than 200 volunteers, including scouts, church groups and office groups, in a stream bank clean-up. There is also an upper river meeting point at the New Pig Corp. parking lot near Tipton for those who prefer to clean-up closer to Altoona.  The clean-up will be followed by a lunch hosted by the Spruce Creek United Methodist Church around noon.

In all more than 20 miles of stream banks and roadside pull-offs from Bellwood to Barree are visited.  Anyone who wishes to lead a group or participate as an individual, can contact Bill Anderson at 814 684 5922 or [email protected], or simply show up in the church parking or the New Pig parking lot, at 8:30 am on April 6th. Bags, gloves and water will be furnished.

2019 Member’s Banquet


Annual LJRA Winter Banquet 

The Little Juniata River Association held its winter banquet on January 26th, 2019. Charlie Hoyer was posthumously awarded the 2nd Annual Friend of the River Award. Charlie’s widow Marge Hoyer received the award, and framed print of the J. Charlie served a number of years as Treasurer of the LJRA and was one of the earliest members of the organization. Charlie had many interests, but has a particular passion for the outdoors.