The Little Juniata River is 32 miles in length. It starts in the city limits of Altoona with the confluence of Spring Run and Kettle Creek, flows north to Tyrone, then east to the confluence near Alexandria. Of these miles,. All but a few miles,including Rothrock state forest, are privately owned. (LJRA has secured 4 miles of permanent public access on prime water by paying landowners for easements). Keeping good relations with these private landowners is a major priority for LJRA as it should be for all who wish to have access to this resource. Please respect the landowners rights ! If you see someone damaging signs or dumping trash, take down the license plate and report them immediately to law enforcement. Or report them to the LJRA leadership (we’ll take it to the Water Conservation Officer for prosecution). If you see a violation call 911 or 814 684 5922