Join us at the Edgewater Inn at 7PM. On Tuesday evening 9/8. Status report on the Trout Study. Plus updates on current LJRA projects. CXome early for dinner and stay late for drinks and fish tales.
The Little Juniata river Association will hold a meeting at the Edgewater Inn and Riverside Grill on Tuesday, June the 9th at 7PM. The Brown Trout Telemetry study will be reported on including movements of the 24 trout tagged with locator transmitters so far. Members and other interested parties are invited. Drinks and conversation afterwards in the Riverside Bar and Grill.
Bill Anderson
(I will bring a few copies of my book for those who have been asking).
Brown Trout Telemetry Study
The Little Juniata River Association and Juniata College have launched a program to determine where the wild trout on our river spend their time. The plan is for LJRA members to capture mature wild brown trout with hook and line. Then we surgically insert a small transmitter that gives off a signal that is detectable for up to 1/2 mile. Thus far 11 transmitters have been activated. A total of 24 transmitters will be followed for approximately 14 months. We will follow the trout as they flee the warm water of mid summer to see where they find refuge. We will also follow these mature trout as they spawn next fall. The knowledge gained will allow the LJRA to direct future fish habitat projects to those areas of the river used most by our brownies.
LJRA meeting Thursday, April 9th, 7PM, Edgewater Acres near Alexandria.
Our speaker this month will be Tobias Nagle from the Altoona Water Authority. The AWA controls five reservoirs and their outlet streams in the headwaters of the “j”. Tobias will present a study of flows and water temps from these reservoirs. Other business will include a recap of our recent cleanup. And a forecast for spring hatches.
As of Feb. 13th we have the capability to monitor the conditions on the river via a camera. The river cam is located at the Greene Hill Campground on the river bank below Barree. It is managed by LJRA Life Member, Beth Teeter, camp host. For the time being, this camera is being updated every 10 minutes. Just click on the Rivercam menu button on this website to see the latest shot.
I went to the river an hour ago…air temp was 32 degrees. Sure enough there were a few trout midging in the long flat pool at pemberton!
LJRA will hold its February meeting , 7 PM, Wednesday the 11th. at the Edgewater Inn and Riverside Grill.
Dennis Johnson (Juniata College) will bring us the status of our Telemetric trout behavior study, scheduled for this spring.
Lenny Lichvar, PFBC Commissioner who represents our area will join us and speak to the recent changes in DHALO and Class A wild trout stream stocking.
Organization kick-off for the LJRA Spring River Bank Clean-up. Those willing to act as group leaders should attend.
I have received a good quantity of the first edition of “Trout Boomer and The Little J”. It includes: Hatches, stretches, my patterns and LJRA history. You can buy it on-line at www.troutboomer.com. Orders placed on this website come directly to me and I will autograph and/or personalize your copy as you wish. It is a hardback with numerous color photos and pictures (mostly taken on the “j”).
Bill Anderson
I see that a number of the formerly active Forum members have been reregistered, but few have posted or responded to a post. Please do us a favor and post something (or respond to a post). Then let me know if you encounter a difficulty…. If you fail in your attempt, email me [email protected].