I strongly advise against fishing right at the road springs. Trout hold in that very cool water and when spooked (or caught) often bolt right upstream into very warm water. The coolest section of the J (if you must fish) is 100 yards downstream of the road springs to about the junk yard upstream of the town of Spruce Creek. Easy access points is an unmarked pull off on rt453 labeled as babe rd on google maps. Another access point is just downstream- limestone rd. This is where the “Y” is located and the road ends at a barricade. Finally at pemberton bridge. Much farther downstream from this the temps can get iffy and extreme care should be used. 66 at 8AM will translates to above 70 by the afternoon. Fish take hours, not minutes, to recover for warm water stress. Catching trout at 68 and having them recover at 73+ isn’t a great idea.
You should know that along river road between shovel works rd and the yellow house is now posted. The landowner was tired of her signs being damaged/vandalized. The LJRA is working to restore access by communicating with the landowner. We hope this will be temporary. You can see a post on the website about landowner relations.