Sulphurs – Little Juniata

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    Hey all:

    – Can’t believe the Little Juniata is only at 279CFS this morning (Tue: 5/12). Had a lot of rain/lightening last night here in Altoona.

    – Anyhow, was just wondering if the sulphurs had started to appear on the Little Juniata. Weather forcast for Wed & Thur is in the low 50s. Am hoping this would prohibit the sulphur duns from drying their wings, provoking more trout into rising. This happened two years ago, and made for some fantastic fishing. Certainly neat to see all the rising fish … especially on a dark afternoon, hitting all those duns. Didn’t even care about the spinner fall, as there were so many duns riding on the water (like blue winged olives do).

    – Just curious though if the sulphurs have even started on the Little Juniata. Anyone know?

    Thanks & Tight Lines,

    John Coxey
    (Altoona, PA)

    Bill Anderson

    I’ve been on a road trip (TN tailwater)for 8 days, returned yesterday. Went to the river last evening and saw trout sipping a spinner fall and saw a few sulfurs in the air. I would expect the rising and then falling water to trigger the hatch we are all waiting for. Average invaria emergence date by my records is May 9th. (and lilacs are blooming) so they are due.

    Bill Anderson

    I’ve been on a road trip (TN tailwater)for 8 days, returned yesterday. Went to the river last evening and saw trout sipping a spinner fall and saw a few sulfurs in the air. I would expect the rising and then falling water to trigger the hatch we are all waiting for. Average invaria emergence date by my records is May 9th. (and lilacs are blooming) so they are due.



    Thanks for the information.

    I am headed out tomorrow morning (Wed: 5/13) with Creg Strock from Aquatic Imitations. We’re going to hit up some of the local Blair County limestone streams in the morning and then see what happens.

    We may try to hit the Little Juniata in the evening and see what happens. Weather is supposed to be in the low 50’s, am really hoping we have a heavy sulphur emergence with dark overcast skies (no rain).

    Will let you know how things go.

    Tight Lines,

    John Coxey


    Bill & others:

    – Who turned on the air conditioner?

    – Creg and I arrived on a Blair County freestone stream this morning (around 8:00am). Overcast skies and about 50 degrees outside. No bugs.

    – Fishing picked up around 11am and we saw black caddis #18 on the rocks (made sure they weren’t stoneflies). Had a few sulphur duns come off … but nothing major. Tan caddis (probably Granomms) fluttered here and there … but again, nothing major.

    – Around 2pm the weather took a turn for the worse. Wind picked up and temp dropped into the 40’s and we decided to call it quits around 3pm as we had over a mile or so to walk back to our vehicles.

    – All in all, wasn’t a bad day for some stocked bows and wild browns. Will never figure out why the fish commission feels the need to stock over a class-A (actually better than class-A) water.

    – We never did make it over to the Little Juniata as we were just too cold when we finally made it back to the car. Decided to head on back to Altoona and go to bed.

    – Will talk to you later.

    John Coxey


    Hope I am wrong but we could have a poor Sulphur season this year, could be that tons of flys hatched at night during the unusual heat wave we had??


    Menu for Little “J” Browns.


    Several shots or more of each group/groups/nymphs


    As Bill mentioned, duplicate the ribbing on the abdomens of your nymphs


    Sulphurs last night.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by dave78.

    sulfurs heavy last night. Started at 6 and were heavy by 7. A good hour and half for fishing heaven


    Blizzards of small Sulphurs night before last, fish were on emergers big time, but you needed a twitch. Great weekend for Huntingdon County, tons of guys enjoying the river and tons of other guys at the annual Dirt Fest mountain biking event, plus the lake will be another popular destination. Great place to live.


    Big Sulphur is slowly taking over the fast water, their favorite habitat, Dorothea rules the long flats, like the Barree pool and below Greene Hills.

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