Sulphur chat

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  • #1032
    Bill Anderson

    Fished the river at Allisons last night. Had good top action from 5:30 (arrived) until 8 pm then the bugs stopped cold…no spinner fall no nothing…stayed until 8:45pm. Various bugs on water : enough Green Drakes to note, saw 10 or more at a time for a while. Small sulfurs, size 16 and some tiny ones that were no bigger than 18s. Also saw a fair number of size 14 yellow cahills mixed in with gray Fox (size 12s). Fish ate our size 16 CET sulfurs to the exclusion of all the rest. Both Steve lewis and I caught a fair number and each lost a big trout. Caught a GD that was still coming out of its shuck. It completed the “hatching” in the palm of my hand. I;ll place a picture on the LJRA Face Book page (do not know how to do it here) I should learn.
    J Drake

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by jcr.

    Fished the middle river upstream of the Greir school. A few sulphurs and cahills out from 6-8 PM. Picked off a few fish. They ignored the cahills…. until about 8PM then all hell broke loose. Caught them at will on a combo of sz14 CDC leggy sulphur (cahill) and sz16 sulphur comparadun. We are definitely into the evening hatch (at dark).

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