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    reports of sulphurs have started. Post your observations here. Sulphur dry and nymph patterns have been added to the tying section.

    Bill Anderson

    I was on the lower river late last night. Very few bugs or risers. Maybe the chill today will get them going early.


    good action upstream of Spruce Creek tonight (weds). Hatch started about 5PM and lasted until dark. It was steady and brought the big boys up. Keyed in on the duns. CDC patterns worked the best, but comparaduns didi well too.

    Tuesday was less intense and the more significant action was the egglayer/spinners at dark. When I arrived at 5PM trout were on the small caddis Bill mentioned (sz18) and some olives.


    heavy hatch this afternoon on the middle river. When i arrived at 1:30 sporadic bugs were being picked off by small fish. Significant hatch at 2PM and fishing was excellent until about 3:00 when naturals blanketed the water. Hard to hook up when your fly is surrounded by 10 or more naturals. Fooled a few under these conditions by twitching. Hatch subsided at about 4PM and i left. Still the big sulphurs. I noticed a few of the orangish variety today.
    Hardly anyone out. I had a very popular pool all to myself! I expected the river to be crawling with fisherman.


    Fished until dark on the middle river as well and not a person in sight. A few sulphurs, but not a heavy spinner fall. Fooled a few nice fish.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by dave78.

    Saturday April 30. Duns started coming off in the gorge at 7 am in good numbers, getting the fish working. Moved to the middle river about 4 pm. Duns there until 7:30, again in good numbers. Fished until 8:30. No meaningful spinnerfall.
    sulphur eater

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by albatross.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by albatross.

    Notice we are getting some much needed rain. Plan on hitting the J on Tues and Wed….

    Besides the rise in level……….stream be fishable on those days..


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by rjs.

    Opps! Duns started at 9 am not 7.

    Bill Anderson

    Dave, Beautiful “j” browns! The river will clear fast, in fact the river up stream from Tyrone has already cleared nicely. Although the flow is still healthy, we should have very fishable water by tomorrow afternoon (barring more rain).
    Keep the pictures coming!


    steady hatch started on the middle river at 2PM and lasted until about 4:45. All 14s. After about an hour and a half round two started, but not as intense. I saw some 16s mixed into the evening hatch. We might be approaching the transition.
    water was stained and moving, but the fish still were acive


    The forum has been a little quiet lately. I’ll be in the area the end of this week. How’s the J fishing lately?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by albatross.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by albatross.
    Bill Anderson

    the river is in fine shape. Just under 300 CFS and clear with a slight greenish color (perfect). I will be fishing this afternoon and evening and I will publish a report here this evening

    Bill Anderson

    the river is in fine shape. Just under 300 CFS and clear with a slight greenish color (perfect). I will be fishing this afternoon and evening and I will publish a report here this evening

    Bill Anderson

    I fished the upper river yesterday afternoon from 4 til 7:30 Pm. Very little surface action. Saw a few sulfurs and size 14 yellow cahills. Caught nearly every trout that rose on a size 14 CET Sulfur even though I saw more cahills and more trout working them. Put on a pair of nymphs (BHPT and Caddis larva). Caught a bunch including several over 15 “. I am hearing reports of Green Drakes in the gorge and down stream. Planning to give a look this afternoon with a new CET GD pattern.


    good hatch on spring creek last night starting at about 5. Afterwards, egg layers and spinner fall. I did well during the hatch, but couldn’t figure out the egg layers/spinner fall. tried the CET to no avail. The two I picked up during the fall were on a standard polywing rusty spinner. But two with all the fish feeding is poor. Point of this post is to ask-any one have a good pattern they are willing to share?

    PS did I just read Bill Anderson took off dries to fish nymphs?

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