December LJRA meeting minutes

LJRA Meeting Minutes for December 14, 2010

7 pm at Tyrone Public Library

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Bill Anderson. This was a regular meeting with 19 members and guests present.

Guest Speakers-
Dr. Bob Carline, Professor of Fisheries at PSU (retired) made a presentation entitled “Fishing at Spring Creek: Watershed Under Siege.” He traced the history of fishing on Spring Creek from the 1800’s until present day. It included the evolution of brook and brown trout populations, fishing pressure, water quality, fish kills, biotic integrity (IBI) and effects of urbanization. Dr. Carline compared Spring Creek with the recent surveys done on the “j”. A surprising fact is that the “j” holds more trout per mile than does Spring Creek and on average the “j” trout are larger with 10% of “j” trout over 14” versus 5% of Spring Creek trout.
Joe Boston reported on the work of the stream re-designation committee whose work is becoming increasingly important with the potential of the selling of water for gas fracking. The designation of Class A wild brown trout for the lower “j” is expected soon with the upgrade to HQCW to follow. Three more sites on the upper “j” will be targeted with the intent to get that portion upgraded as well. This will help restrict pollution, runoff and water temperature problems for the entire river.
Old Business
Penelec Erosion Project- The work completed at the Pinecroft erosion site held up well to the recent heavy rain and flooding. This was actually the fourth largest flood event ever. A survey of other needed projects on the upper “j” was conducted by member of the LJRA and eight new work sites have been identified. Work to gain funding from various sources will be underway.
b. Selling of water by Altoona Water Authority- New activity in the area due to gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale deposit is creating a demand for fracking water by drilling companies. There are substantial outstanding allocations of water (millions of gallons per day) that are currently not being used by the Authority and other businesses that could be sold for this purpose. This could lead to a dramatic decrease water volumes in the “j” that are needed during the dry warm summer months. The three largest problems facing the River in coming years are: (1) Urban runoff (2) Loss of water to sales (3) Temperature increases.
c. Sandy Run- Progress to complete the purchase of this property by the PFBC continues to proceed. They now have 6 months to exercise the purchase option. Their review of the property along with DEP has been completed and the final survey is being arranged.
d. Lower Quarry Trail- Work here has stopped and a review hearing will be held in January to assess the potential negative impact of resuming quarrying operations.
e. Public Access- The three projects are proceeding well with: (1) the Dopp’s transaction has been completed (2) Green Hills has signed an agreement for public access on all their property except the RV area and (3) The Allison’s (Cornfield hole) will be paid soon.
III. New Business- Lee Pryor submitted the treasurer’s report. The LJRA began November with $16,995 (included $10,000 grant from FEF) and after expenditures and new revenue is expected to end December with $6,129. Payment of all expenses for the Pinecroft stream bank project is complete.
Adjournment and Next Meeting The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held at 7 PM Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at the Tyrone Public Library.

Respectfully submitted:

Jim Litrun
