The LJRA held its annual Winter Banquet at the Edgewater Inn on Jan 19th. Approximately 55 were in attendance. Mike Grimm from the American Eagle Paper Company was the recipient of the first “Friend of the River Award”. Mike is pictured next to Bill Anderson (left panel). Mike was recognized for his adoption of practices that greatly reduced water consumption, eliminated the discharge of heated water into the Little Bald Eagle (trib to the J), releasing a major cold water spring at the headwaters of the J and supporting efforts to construct a fish passageway around the mill’s dam in Tyrone.
Category: News
River of the year
The Little Juniata has been named a finalist for “River of the Year”
Vote here: . You can place one vote for each email address.
If we win, the LJRA will receive $10,000 for additional projects such as stream bank protection, riparian buffers, fish habitat improvements and clean-ups.
New Enterprise Posting
New Enterprise Posting
New Enterprise Limestone Quarry posted their land recently from Limestone Road to the Pemberton Bridge. Apparently this is a new policy for all NE lands throughout the state and is not specific to the area surrounding the Little J and, to our knowledge, was not precipitated by events at the Pemberton location. We have contacted the NES&L and we are meeting with their management next Tuesday (Dec 5th) to discuss options to increase angler access. LJRA will do everything possible to reverse this loss of access on the river. A priority of the LJRA is to increase angler access and improve landowner relations. In the meantime, it is important to respect NE’s wishes that no one trespasses on the land. The LJRA has had a good relationship with NE, due in part to our cleaning up their land along the J for 12 years during the annual riverbank clean up. Check the website for updates.
November Meeting
November Meeting
The LJRA will meet on Thursday November 9th, at 7:00PM at the Edgewater Inn.
Kelso Run Project
Kelso Run Project Postponed until the Spring
Due to delays in obtaining the permit required to do the work, the Kelso Run project must be delayed until the Spring. Work cannot be performed during the Fall spawn in order to protect the brook trout.
LJRA wins conservation award
More great news for the J!
More great news for the J!
The LJRA is excited to announce that as a result of the June electroshocking survey (scroll down to the next page), PFBC will recommend that two sections of the J be classified as a wild Class A fishery. Being declared a wild Class A fishery is an important step towards gaining high quality cold water (HQCW) designated use status by PA-DEP. One location encompasses 4.5 miles of the upper J from Sandy Run to the Rt 220 bridge in Bellwood. The other 3.2 mile section is located on the lower J from the Barre bridge to the mouth of the Juniata River. 2016 has been an excellent year for the J!
In Memory of Dan Grobe
Photo courtesy of Dan’s good friend and fishing buddy, Frank Gondos.
Dan Grobe loved fly fishing the Little J. His family and friends have made donations to the Little Juniata River Association in his memory. Here is a photo of Dan taken near the “Road Springs” last spring.
Major source of trash thwarted
Polluting junk yard cleaned up
This site on the banks of the upper “J” was covered with junk from an auto salvage operation. LJRA worked with the legitimate landowner, First Energy, to get it cleared. We give our thanks to First Energy/Penelec for finally getting this done! This should greatly reduce the washing of tires and other auto-associated trash into the J during high water events.
Respect the landowner!
The Little Juniata River is 32 miles in length. It starts in the city limits of Altoona with the confluence of Spring Run and Kettle Creek, flows north to Tyrone, then east to the confluence near Alexandria. Of these miles,. All but a few miles,including Rothrock state forest, are privately owned. (LJRA has secured 4 miles of permanent public access on prime water by paying landowners for easements). Keeping good relations with these private landowners is a major priority for LJRA as it should be for all who wish to have access to this resource. Please respect the landowners rights ! If you see someone damaging signs or dumping trash, take down the license plate and report them immediately to law enforcement. Or report them to the LJRA leadership (we’ll take it to the Water Conservation Officer for prosecution). If you see a violation call 911 or 814 684 5922