November meeting

November Meeting

The next meeting of the LJRA is Thursday November 14th at 7PM. We will be meeting at the Edgewater Inn in Alexandria. Topics include the lease agreement with NESL and plans for habitat improvement near Tipton. We hope to see you there. 

October Meeting

October Meeting

The next meeting of the LJRA is Thursday October 10th at 7PM. We will be meeting at the Edgewater Inn in Alexandria. We will have a guest speaker.   Mark Brinkner, Water Specialist with PADEP in Harrisburg,  will explain how the Pa. Department of Environmental Protection determines the level of protection from pollution (Designated Use) for our streams. Other topics include:  news on access at the quarry, update on the fish kill/sewer pipe break and plans for habitat improvement near Tipton. We hope to see you there. 

August Meeting

August Meeting

The August meeting of the LJRA is August 8th. We will meet at the Edgewater Inn at 7PM. Topics include increasing access, the Tipton habitat improvement project  and updates on the fish kill on the upper J. Hope to see you there.

PFBC surVey

PFBC survey

The PFBC is looking for angler/boater input to incorporate into their new strategic plan. Here is a chance to voice your support for conservation and promote wild trout initiatives. The PFBC has been a good partner with the LJRA. Many of the improvements on the river such as stream bank repair, wild trout surveys, ceasing stocking over wild fish in the J and upgraded designations were made possible due the efforts of PFBC. They should be encouraged to continue these activities here and across the state (you have the chance to write what they do right).

direct link to survey

Stream monitoring on the upper J


Remote stream monitoring is here!

Thanks to the Susquehanna River Basin Commission and landowners Andrew and Jessica Walker, we now have nearly real-time readings of water temperature, pH, flow, turbidity and dissolved oxygen. We thank SRBC, Dawn Hintz and her crew for getting this done in a very timely manner. The monitoring station is on the upper J, upstream of Tipton. This significant development will provide critical parameters to monitor sediment and provide fisherman with information on temperature and turbidity. Plans are ongoing to get similar readings on the lower J downstream of Spruce Creek. The link to this information is


November meeting

November Meeting

The next meeting will be Thursday November 8th at 7PM. We will meet at the Edgewater Inn in Alexandria.  Guest speaker Diane Thomas, Watershed Manager for Blair Co. Conservation District, will give us an update on her organization’s activities. All are welcome. Come early for dinner or stay afterwards for  drinks and discussions.

Print of the J

Limited prints of the Little J available

Jesse Hyde, a member and accomplished artist, painted this scene of the J looking upstream towards the Spruce Creek Bridge. Spruce Creek church can be seen in the background. Jesse generously allowed the LJRA to produce limited edition prints (100) of his painting. The 16 x 24 prints are signed by the artist. The LJRA is selling the mounted and wrapped prints  to members  for 150.00. For more information email: [email protected]

update postings

New Enterprise update

May: LJRA is attempting to obtain a public fishing easement lease on these valuable stretches. PFBC is writing a lease proposal which will be presented to NES&L.  Work is being done, but there is no  timeline for a resolution.  In the meantime please respect the postings. 

President Bill Anderson met with the person in charge of land management for New Enterprise today. She was attentive and receptive to ideas to increase angler access to the J, including fishing easements and land transfers.  She will present our ideas to the company soon.  Conversations will continue. We should not expect immediate resolution, but the response from NE today was encouraging. In the meantime, it is important that we honor the postings and not trespassing on their land.

restored access to the upper J

A  section of the J opened up to fishing

Members of the LJRA conducted a clean up recently on previously posted land on the upper J.  The clean up, and other actions, led to the opening of 0.6 mile of the river to fishing. A major goal of the LJRA is to improve landowner relations to increase access.  Landowners are encouraged to contact the LJRA and see if we can mitigate problems before deciding to post your land.  Fisherman can maintain access to open waters by cleaning up when you see trash, reporting vandals and thanking landowners when you see them.