Annual Members Banquet

Annual Members Banquet

Directors John Corr, Bill Bresler and John Little with member Terry Davis at the banquet.

The Annual Little Juniata River Association Members Banquet was held Friday, January 13th at the Edgewater Inn and Riverside Grill.  Approximately 50 people attended.   The LJRA banquet is not a fund raiser, just a chance for our fellow “j” lovers to get acquainted at a great place.  We thank the Edgewater Inn for their hospitality and great service. Consider joining us next year!

December Meeting

December Meeting

The LJRA will meet Thursday December 8th  at 7PM at the Edgewater Inn. The agenda will include updates on a joint venture been the LJRA and AE paper Co in Tyrone to explore the feasibility of modifying the paper mill dam to allow fish passage from the J up into the Little Bald Eagle , continuation of the trout telemetry study in 2017, status of the Little Bald Eagle Creek and the identification of 4.6 miles of Class water in the upper J. Hope to see you there.

November Meeting

November Meeting

The November meeting will be held on Thursday Nov 10th at 7PM at the Edgewater Inn. Come early or stay afterwards for dinner and drinks with your fellow members. Progress on and amendment of our future goals will be discussed. Our guest speaker will be Matt Shank of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission.  Matt will present recent research on invasive species in the waters of Pennsylvania. Our streams are threatened with Didymo, mud snails, hydrilla, rusty crayfish and others.

September Meeting

September Meeting

The LJRA met Thursday, September 8th at the Edgewater Inn.  Mike Grim, President/CEO of American Eagle Paper Co. Tyrone, was our guest. The paper mill is the largest consumer of spring water in the watershed. Mike discussed the technological advances at AE that has led to a ~440% reduction in water usage, including eliminating the need to spray heated water into the Bald Eagle. This, and other initiatives (see above) have made the paper mill more environmentally friendly. 

September minutes

LJRA Meeting Thursday, June 9th

The Little Juniata River Association will hold its monthly meeting on June 9th at the Edgewater Acres , 7 PM.  Come early for dinner and or stay after for drinks and yarn telling.  This month’s agenda includes an update on the trout telemetry study. Several trout have reappeared after being “gone” since last fall! We will also review current projects status.



The Directors of the LJRA Announce New Goals for 2016

1 .Continue improving the water quality and trout habitat of the upper river to extend greater protections to the entire river and increase recreational opportunities throughout the watershed.
2. Identify additional opportunities to increase public access through easement programs and landowner cooperation
3. Educate municipalities and businesses on best practices to protect the Little Juniata and its tributaries.
4. Increase membership and member participation among fishers, boaters, hikers, conservationists and naturalists

March meeting

The next LJRA meeting will be held Thursday March 10th at 7PM at the Edgewater Inn. Come early and have dinner and a drink with other members or stay afterwards for fellowship and fish stories. The main agenda item will be the upcoming clean up. Election of officers will be held. Nominations will be accepted. Time permitting, the future goals and action items of the LJRA will be discussed.
If you are interested in participating in the clean up or serve as a group leader be sure to attend.
Reminder: during the winter months the meeting will be held on the second thursday of the month.

February meeting highlights-montioring the upper J


Jim Eckenrode from the Blair County Conservation District presented the plans for monitoring important stream parameters such as temperature, turbidity, pH and conductivity along the upper J at the February meeting held Thursday the 11th. The data will be important for monitoring the health of the river and making a case for HQCW designation in the upper J. During the winter months the meetings of the LJRA will be held the second Thursday of the month at 7PM.