2018 clean up canceled

Annual Riverbank Cleanup- Canceled!

Unfortunately, Mother Nature is playing dirty tricks on us again. The Little J watershed is predicted to receive 2-4 inches of snow late Friday night into Saturday afternoon. Out of concern for the safety of the volunteers and the effectiveness of the clean up (can’t see trash under inches of snow) the directors decided to cancel  the River Bank Clean-up.   We are considering scheduling a low water clean up this summer. Check back to the website for more information or visit the Facebook Page. We appreciate your willingness to participate.  The next project will be habitat restoration at Kelso Run in June.


New Enterprise Posting

New Enterprise Posting

New Enterprise Limestone Quarry posted their land recently from Limestone Road to the Pemberton Bridge. Apparently this is a new policy for all NE lands throughout the state and is not specific to the area surrounding the Little J and, to our knowledge, was not precipitated by events at the Pemberton location. We have contacted the NES&L and we are meeting with their management next Tuesday (Dec 5th) to discuss options to increase angler access.  LJRA will do everything possible to reverse this loss of access on the river.  A priority of the LJRA is to increase angler access and improve landowner relations.  In the meantime, it is important to respect NE’s wishes that no one trespasses on the land.  The LJRA has had a good relationship with NE, due in part to our cleaning up their land along the J for 12 years during the annual riverbank clean up.  Check  the website for updates. 

telemetry study

Attention fisherman: telemetry study underway

Juniata College, in partnership with the LJRA, is repeating the brown trout telemetry study.  So far 40 transmitters have been placed. If you catch a trout with a transmitter wire (see photo), please return it to the water and handle as gently as possible. Obtain a picture if possible and report the location and date caught as well as any observations about the health of the fish. Email the information  ([email protected]) or call 814 684 5922. This is great way for you to participate in the study. 

12th Annual River Bank Clean-up

12th Annual Riverbank Clean-up

Students from the Philipsburg-Osceola fly fishing club with the two trucks load of trash they picked up near the Pemberton bridge. Great job!


LJRA held its 12th annual river bank clean-up on Saturday April 8th. We had a great turnout, with approximately 200 volunteers showing up to clean the J.  

More great news for the J!

More great news for the J!

PAFBC electroshocking

The LJRA is excited to announce that as a result of the June electroshocking survey (scroll down to the next page), PFBC will recommend that two sections of the J be classified as a wild Class A fishery. Being declared a wild Class A fishery is an important step towards gaining high quality cold water (HQCW) designated use status by PA-DEP.  One location encompasses 4.5 miles of the upper J from Sandy Run to the Rt 220 bridge in Bellwood.  The other 3.2 mile section is located on the lower J from the Barre bridge to the mouth of the Juniata River. 2016 has been an excellent year for the J!

Major source of trash thwarted

Polluting junk yard cleaned up

Before clean up. The Upper J flows just behind the tree line of the left
Before clean up. The Upper J flows just behind the tree line on the left
After Pennelec clean up. A new fence will prevent junk from encroaching on the banks of the J
After Pennelec clean up. A new fence will prevent junk from encroaching on the banks of the J

This site on the banks of the upper “J” was covered with junk from an auto salvage operation. LJRA worked with the legitimate landowner, First Energy, to get it cleared. We give our thanks to First Energy/Penelec for finally getting this done! This should greatly reduce the washing of tires and other auto-associated trash into the J during high water events.

Freeing a vital source of cold spring water for the upper J!

Freeing a vital source of cold spring water for the upper J!

This spring was diverted as a source of water for the Tyrone paper mill since 1935. In August 2016, American Eagle Paper Co agreed to free it at its source, located 2 miles upstream from their pump house in Tyrone. Director Carl Reed and Bill Anderson visited the spring and walked its path to the river. It is now providing much needed 50 degree cold water for an additional 2 miles of the upper J! Kudos to American Eagle Paper Co.

Water temperatures


The end of June through August is a tough time for our trout.  Water levels are incredibly low and the temperature on the upper J exceeded  83 degrees yesterday! (July 14)  upstream of Tyrone. It’s going to at or near 90s for the next 6 days. This is upstream of the springs but this water mixes with the springs and warms the water throughout the river. Regular updates on water temperatures and conditions are important for the trout as well as your fellow anglers deciding whether or not to travel to the area. Share your observations and current conditions in the forum. Better yet, leave the trout alone!

Electroshocking survey on the upper J

Wild trout survey on the upper river yields encouraging results

PAFBC electroshocking
PAFBC electroshocking

We are pleased that Kris Kuhn, Fisheries Manager for the south central district, and his PFBC crew  electroshock surveyed two 300 meter stretches of the upper J between Bellwood and Tyrone (upstream from the DHALO) on June 10th. Large numbers of brown trout were found at both both locations. (During the survey they captured one of our telemetry study fish -see picture below).

Observers, including  LJRA officers, are hopeful that, once the results are totaled, more than a Class A population will have been found at both locations. Being declared a wild Class A fishery is a requirement for gaining high quality cold water (HQCW) Designated Use and the added protection that follows this designation by PADEP. Adding this very significant section of the upper J to HQCW designated use list is one big step forward towards meeting the LJRA  goal of obtaining HQCW designation for the entire river.

42.5 cm brown
A 42.5 centimeter telemetry study brown captured during the survey. He looked to be in fine shape. There was no sign of the sutured wound for the transmitter, however the antenna exit point was reddened for a small area around it (you can see it in the close up).

These observations,  together with the increasing presence of pollution intolerant mayflies and stoneflies throughout the river, are very exciting developments indeed!