John Little (1946-2024)

We are saddened by the passing of former director and member John Little. John was a great supporter of LJRA and served as LJRA Director from 2005 until his illness interfered in 2015. He was very instrumental in our annual spring clean-up and served as a volunteer in many of the LJRA water quality improvement projects. John and wife Marie made their Rivers Edge property available for our fall banquets and promoted the LJRA to their many fishing guests. John ad Marie attended our summer banquet last June at the Rivers Edge now owned by Randy and John Green.  He was our friend and our fellow river lover. We will miss John.

his obituary can be viewed here

Update: Rutter’s construction near Sandy Run

Rutter’s was fined $73,200 for violations of their NPDES permits at the Sandy Run site! LJRA opposed this project from its inception on the grounds that all the drainage would be into the Sandy Run wetlands, the major cold water source and wild trout spawning stream for the upper Little Juniata River. We have taken water samples from every significant rain event since they broke ground last year and notified BCCD of possible violations of the E&S (Erosion & Sedimentation) plan at the site. Blair County Conservation District (BCCD) performed multiple inspections that determined violations resulting in this penalty. LJRA will continue to monitor as truck stop operations begin in 2024. Directors Angie Spagnoli and Gary Miller and Eric Oliver were essential in monitoring activities at the site for the last year. Great job all!

Veeder-Root volunteers conduct a fall clean up

A crew from Veeder-Root Co. (Duncansville) collected over 500lbs of trash from the middle J on August 28th. Veeder-Root has been conducting clean-ups on the J in the fall for several years. The LJRA supplies gloves and bags and pays for disposal. Joel Bobetich, Ron Chappell, Brad Rettburg, Brent Hopkins, Mark Watters, and James Lemin (absent from this photo) participated. Great job guys!

If your group or office wishes to conduct a clean-up, contact Bill. 

Lee Pryor Awarded the LJRA 2023 Friend of the River Award

Lee with his award, pictured with the LJRA board (Gary Miller not pictured)


The LJRA held their annual banquet at the Rivers Edge Lodge along the banks of the Little J on June 3rd.  Director Lee Pryor, a founding member and director of the LJRA, won the 2023 Friend of the River Award for his longtime service to the organization. You can read more about Lee on the Meet the Directors page.