20th Annual Riverbank clean-up

Saturday, April 12th. 9:00 am to noon

Meet at the Spruce Creek United Methodist Church parking lot by 8:45AM. Groups (church, office, clubs, etc.) are welcome. Alternate meeting place for the upper river clean-up crew at New Pig in Tipton

 We will clean-up the river-banks and parking areas from Altoona to Barree

 All bags, gloves and vests furnished.

Dress for the weather (We go rain/snow)

We need a few people willing to wade side channels (conditions permitting)

 Refreshments served before and hot lunch afterwards

Contact: Bill Anderson 814-569 8843, [email protected]

Clean-up flyer can be downloaded here

March Meeting

The March meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 13th at 7PM at Marzoni’s in Altoona. The tentative agenda is:

  • Spring Riverbank Clean-up scheduled for Saturday, April 12th. We will be asking for Group Leaders for the clean-up. Anyone interested in volunteering should attend this meeting.
  • Summer Banquet date set for June 7th at Rivers Edge at Spruce Creek
  • report on the yearly Director’s meeting held Feb 20th

New Platinum members

The LJRA welcomes are recognized new platinum members.   

Tom Roberson
George Fallon
Heather Seidenberg
Mike Wethorn
Matt Newlin
Penny Willgerodt
Evan Krugar
Geoff Grier
Bert Altmans